Gloves / One size fits all
Hand warmer / One size fits all
Neck warmer / One size fits all
Socks / One size fits all
Knit cap / One size fits all
Scarf / 1900×230
Hole scarf / 2100×230
Arm cover / One size fits all
Socks SS/ One size fits all
Scarf SS/ 1750×300
Towel / 250×250 , 330×800 , 600×1250
Bag / 300×360(strap 650)
Pouch / 120×90
Pochette / 130×200(strap 1000)
Jersey gloves / One size fits all(For women)
Cool mask / One size fits all(For adults)
Cool scarf/ One size fits all(For adults)
Crochet hat / One size fits all(For women)
Cuffs / One size fits all(For women)
Collar / One size fits all(For women)
Gloves / Socks / Knit cap / Scarf
Acrylic, nylon, polyester, polyurethane
Arm cover / Socks SS / Scarf SS
Cotton , Linen , Ramie
Organic Cotton 100%
Bag / Pouch / Pochette
polyester, nylon, polyurethane
Jersey gloves
Wool 100%
Cool mask
Polyester , Cotton
Cool scarf
Cashmere series
Cashmere 100%
Crochet hat
Polyester , nylon , cotton , viscose , polyurethane , silk
Cotton , viscose , silk
Cotton , viscose , silk
interiorlifestyle 2016(Tokyo)
GIFTEX 2016(Tokyo)
NY now 2016 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2016 autumn(Tokyo)
ambiente 2017(Frankfurt )
interiorlifestyle 2017(Tokyo)
TRENDSET 2017(Munich)
NY now 2017 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2017 「LIFE×DESIGN」 autmn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2018 spring(Tokyo)
ambiente 2018(Frankfurt )
interiorlifestyle 2018(Tokyo)
GIFTEX 2018(Tokyo)
NY now 2018 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2018 autumn(Tokyo)
Maison & Objet 2018 AW(Paris)
TOP DRAWER 2018 AW(London)
NY now 2019 winter(NY)
Gift Show 2019 spring(Tokyo)
ambiente 2019(Frankfurt )
interiorlifestyle 2019(Tokyo)
NY now 2019 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2019 autumn(Tokyo)
NY now 2020 winter(NY)
Gift Show 2020 spring(Tokyo)
ambiente 2020(Frankfurt )
Gift Show 2020 autumn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2021 spring(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2021 autumn(Tokyo)
NY now 2022 winter(NY)
Gift Show 2022 spring(Tokyo)
interiorlifestyle 2022(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2022 autumn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2023 spring(Tokyo)
interiorlifestyle 2023(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2023 autumn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2024 spring(Tokyo)
interiorlifestyle 2024(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2024 autumn(Tokyo)

2色の面積を”割合”で表現したブランド「 % 」は普段何気なく選んでいる手袋や靴下を
What percent do you prefer?
We have a preferred ratio (percentage) for the things around us, such as coffee and milk.
The "%" brand, featuring expression through "ratios" of two colors, converts items such
as gloves and socks, which we normally select with so little attention, to numerical values,
delivering fashion items that let us select and enjoy our own ratios.
The simple unisex designs and coloring make coordination with other clothing easy, and
the elastic one-size-fits-all design fits wearers of any size or gender. In addition to
three-dimensional design making full use of high-quality domestic materials and traditional
techniques, enjoy excellent functionality, such as self heater, and a soft texture.

If you pass the neck through the hole in the center part,
it is warmer and you can enjoy various arrangements using the hole

By natural organic deodorant feature, it is excellent in antibacterial and deodorant.

By natural organic deodorant feature, it is excellent in antibacterial and deodorant.

By natural organic deodorant feature, it is excellent in antibacterial and deodorant. Reversible scarf.

毛羽が大量に発生し人体に悪く、糊抜きの汚水が環境に悪いため「無撚糸(むねんし)」を使用しておりません。また、柔らかさの持続力がない「中空糸(ちゅうくうし)」を使用しておりません。品質と優しさを突き詰めた結果、ウガンダのオーガニックコットン素材と甘撚り(あまより)技術に行き着きました。 フワフワとした手触りと吸水性。 柔らかすぎて切れてしまうことのないぎりぎりの強度を保ちつつ極限の甘撚り糸に仕上げました。優しい肌触りと品質は、世界最高クラスの技術を誇るタオルの町今治の熟練した職人が、通常の織り時間の4倍も時間をかけ丁寧に織り上げる事で毛羽立ちにくく何度乾燥機にかけていただいても、柔らかさが持続します。
We do not use "non-twisted yarn" because a large amount of fluff is generated and it is bad for the human body, and the unstained waste water is bad for the environment.In addition, we do not use "hollow yarn" which does not have the persistence of softness.As a result of quality and tenderness, we came to Uganda's organic cotton and soft twist technology. Soft texture and the water absorption.It is finished in the limit soft twist yarn while keeping the strength of the limit that is too soft and does not cut.The soft touch and quality are made by Imabari's skilled craftsman, who boasts the world's best technology in towel technology, and it takes about 4 times as much weaving time to carefully weave it up, making it difficult to fuzz. The softness of the towel lasts no matter how many times the dryer is used.

This bag has a storage capacity that makes use of the elasticity unique to knitwear, and reduces the burden on the shoulder because it does not extend too much by changing the way of knitting the shoulder part. The smooth touch can be used regardless of the season, and it is a simple one shoulder that is light and tired. It has form stability and excellent durability in washing.

The smooth touch can be used regardless of the season, that is just size for putting small items such as lipstick and accessories. It has form stability and excellent durability in washing.

This bag has a storage capacity that makes use of the elasticity unique to knitwear, and reduces the burden on the shoulder because it does not extend too much by changing the way of knitting the shoulder part. The smooth touch can be used regardless of the season, and it is a simple one shoulder that is light and tired. It has form stability and excellent durability in washing.

繰り返し洗って使える、洗濯耐久性に優れた素材を使用し立体縫製によりフェイスラインに沿って隙間を作りにくい快適なつけ心地となっています。オーガニックコットンで肌触りがよい丸耳ひもは長さ調節もできるので耳が痛くなりにくく、内側には抗菌・抗ウイルス素材を使い 繊維上の特定のウイルスの数を 99% 減少させ特定の細菌の増殖を抑制します。口腔衛生用抗菌剤をベースにし、各種実験で高い安全性を確認しています。また、水分を含ませる事で冷たくなるので夏でも冷んやり涼しくお使いいただけます。
Our material combines the pliability to hug your face-line closely, with the softness that will ensure comfort, while it`s resistance allows these superior face coverings to be washed and used time and time again.The straps are made from a gentle organic cotton, and can be adjusted for a perfect fit, while the inner lining provides anti-bacterial properties to stop the spread of viruses and prevent the build-up of bacteria.When soaked, the material retains moisture, resulting in a long-lasting cooling effect, making this the perfect face-cover- ing for summer.

リバーシブルで2色を配置した水に濡らすと冷んやり涼しい「UPF50+」と「 UVカット98%」のスカーフ。両サイドにある穴を通すことで、結ばなくても解けにくく様々なアレンジもできます。首以外にもヘッドアクセや手首に巻いてご使用いただけます。
This reversible, two-tone scarf retains moisture when soaked, providing a pleasant cooling effect, and has been proven to block 98% of UV rays, giving it a sun protection rating of UPF50+. Convenient loopholes keep the scarf in place without having to be tied, and allow you to experiment with different styles. This versatile piece can also be used as a head band or wrist-cover.

%( PERCENT )で 使用しているカシミヤの原料は、良質な産地で知られる中国内モンゴル自治区の中でも特に優れた品質の産地「 巴盟(バメイ)」のカシミヤを使用しています。 徹底した品質検査を行い、良質で安定した風合いを保つため国 内で染色と紡績を行った後 、編み上げています。
The cashmere in %(PERCENT) products is made using raw materials form the Bamei region of Inner Mongolia, renowned worldwide for the quality of its produce. After being thoroughly inspected, these materials are spun and dyed in Japan, combining their innate quality with world-class expertise and uncompromising standards to make our luxury yarn. Finally, we knit this into the products onto which we are proud to attach our name.

伸縮性を持たせた「クロシェハット」は、サイズ調節をせずに頭に優しくフィットしてくれます。 軽くて通気性のいい使い心地と、長めのツバがUV対策にも役立ちます。
A “crochet hat” with elasticity fits your head gently without having to adjust the size. It is lightweight and breathable, and the long brim helps protect against UV rays.
The texture is soft to the touch and doesn't get stuffy, so it can be worn over the sleeves of clothes as a "wrist cufflinks" regardless of the season. During the short-sleeved season, use it directly on your bare skin as an accent to your outfit, like a bangle.
ガーリーになり過ぎない、シンプルコーデの印象を変えてくれる「つけ襟」。 肌触りもよく通気性もいいので、季節を問わずアクセサリー感覚で楽しめるファッションアイテムです。
A collar that changes the look of a simple outfit without being too girly. It's soft to the touch and breathable, so it's a fashion item that can be enjoyed as an accessory regardless of the season.

Gloves / One size fits all
Hand warmer / One size fits all
Neck warmer / One size fits all
Socks / One size fits all
Knit cap / One size fits all
Scarf / 1900×230
Hole scarf / 2100×230
Arm cover / One size fits all
Socks SS/ One size fits all
Scarf SS/ 1750×300
Towel / 250×250 , 330×800 , 600×1250
Bag / 300×360(strap 650)
Pouch / 120×90
Pochette / 130×200(strap 1000)
Jersey gloves / One size fits all(For women)
Cool mask / One size fits all(For adults)
Cool scarf / One size fits all(For adults)
Crochet hat / One size fits all(For women)
Cuffs / One size fits all(For women)
Collar / One size fits all(For women)
Gloves / Socks / Knit cap / Scarf
Acrylic, nylon, polyester, polyurethane
Arm cover / Socks SS / Scarf SS
Cotton , Linen , Ramie
Organic Cotton 100%
Bag / Pouch / Pochette
polyester, nylon, polyurethane
Jersey gloves
Wool 100%
Cool mask
Polyester , Cotton
Cool scarf
Cashmere series
Cashmere 100%
Crochet hat
Polyester , nylon , cotton , viscose , polyurethane , silk
Cotton , viscose , silk
Cotton , viscose , silk
interiorlifestyle 2016(Tokyo)
GIFTEX 2016(Tokyo)
NY now 2016 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2016 autumn(Tokyo)
ambiente 2017(Frankfurt )
interiorlifestyle 2017(Tokyo)
TRENDSET 2017(Munich)
NY now 2017 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2017 「LIFE×DESIGN」 autmn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2018 spring(Tokyo)
ambiente 2018(Frankfurt )
interiorlifestyle 2018(Tokyo)
GIFTEX 2018(Tokyo)
NY now 2018 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2018 autumn(Tokyo)
Maison & Objet 2018 AW(Paris)
TOP DRAWER 2018 AW(London)
NY now 2019 winter(NY)
Gift Show 2019 spring(Tokyo)
ambiente 2019(Frankfurt )
interiorlifestyle 2019(Tokyo)
NY now 2019 summer(NY)
Gift Show 2019 autumn(Tokyo)
NY now 2020 winter(NY)
Gift Show 2020 spring(Tokyo)
ambiente 2020(Frankfurt )
Gift Show 2020 autumn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2021 spring(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2021 autumn(Tokyo)
NY now 2022 winter(NY)
Gift Show 2022 spring(Tokyo)
interiorlifestyle 2022(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2022 autumn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2023 spring(Tokyo)
interiorlifestyle 2023(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2023 autumn(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2024 spring(Tokyo)
interiorlifestyle 2024(Tokyo)
Gift Show 2024 autumn(Tokyo)

あなたの好みは何パーセント?コーヒーとミルクなど身の周りには自分好みの割合(%)がある。2色の面積を”割合”で表現したブランド「 % 」は普段何気なく選んでいる手袋や靴下を数値化する事で自分好みの割合を感じて楽しんでいただけるファッションアイテムです。ユニセックスでシンプルなデザインの配色は、服とのコーディネートも合わせやすく伸縮性を活かしたフリーサイズなので、性別やサイズを問わずご使用いただけます。上質な国産素材と伝統技術を駆使した立体構造やセルフヒーターなどの機能性はもちろんフワフワの肌触りをお楽しみ下さい。
What percent do you prefer?
We have a preferred ratio (percentage) for the things around us, such as coffee and milk.The "%" brand, featuring expression through "ratios" of two colors, converts items such as gloves and socks, which we normally select with so little attention, to numerical values, delivering fashion items that let us select and enjoy our own ratios. The simple unisex designs and coloring make coordination with other clothing easy, and the elastic one-size-fits-all design fits wearers of any size or gender. In addition to three-dimensional design making full use of high-quality domestic materials and traditional techniques, enjoy excellent functionality, such as self heater, and a soft texture.

If you pass the neck through the hole in the center part,it is warmer and you can enjoy various arrangements using the hole

By natural organic deodorant feature, it is excellent in antibacterial and deodorant.

By natural organic deodorant feature, it is excellent in antibacterial and deodorant. Reversible scarf.

毛羽が大量に発生し人体に悪く、糊抜きの汚水が環境に悪いため「無撚糸(むねんし)」を使用しておりません。また、柔らかさの持続力がない「中空糸(ちゅうくうし)」を使用しておりません。品質と優しさを突き詰めた結果、ウガンダのオーガニックコットン素材と甘撚り(あまより)技術に行き着きました。フワフワとした手触りと吸水性。 柔らかすぎて切れてしまうことのないぎりぎりの強度を保ちつつ極限の甘撚り糸に仕上げました。優しい肌触りと品質は、世界最高クラスの技術を誇るタオルの町今治の熟練した職人が、通常の織り時間の4倍も時間をかけ丁寧に織り上げる事で毛羽立ちにくく何度乾燥機にかけていただいても、柔らかさが持続します。
We do not use "non-twisted yarn" because a large amount of fluff is generated and it is bad for the human body, and the unstained waste water is bad for the environment.In addition, we do not use "hollow yarn" which does not have the persistence of softness.As a result of quality and tenderness, we came to Uganda's organic cotton and soft twist technology.Soft texture and the water absorption.It is finished in the limit soft twist yarn while keeping the strength of the limit that is too soft and does not cut.The soft touch and quality are made by Imabari's skilled craftsman, who boasts the world's best technology in towel technology, and it takes about 4 times as much weaving time to carefully weave it up, making it difficult to fuzz. The softness of the towel lasts no matter how many times the dryer is used.

This bag has a storage capacity that makes use of the elasticity unique to knitwear, and reduces the burden on the shoulder because it does not extend too much by changing the way of knitting the shoulder part. The smooth touch can be used regardless of the season, and it is a simple one shoulder that is light and tired. It has form stability and excellent durability in washing.

The smooth touch can be used regardless of the season, that is just size for putting small items such as lipstick and accessories. It has form stability and excellent durability in washing.

This bag has a storage capacity that makes use of the elasticity unique to knitwear, and reduces the burden on the shoulder because it does not extend too much by changing the way of knitting the shoulder part. The smooth touch can be used regardless of the season, and it is a simple one shoulder that is light and tired. It has form stability and excellent durability in washing.

繰り返し洗って使える、洗濯耐久性に優れた素材を使用し立体縫製によりフェイスラインに沿って隙間を作りにくい快適なつけ心地となっています。オーガニックコットンで肌触りがよい丸耳ひもは長さ調節もできるので耳が痛くなりにくく、内側には抗菌・抗ウイルス素材を使い 繊維上の特定のウイルスの数を 99% 減少させ特定の細菌の増殖を抑制します。口腔衛生用抗菌剤をベースにし、各種実験で高い安全性を確認しています。また、水分を含ませる事で冷たくなるので夏でも冷んやり涼しくお使いいただけます。
Our material combines the pliability to hug your face-line closely, with the softness that will ensure comfort, while it`s resistance allows these superior face coverings to be washed and used time and time again.The straps are made from a gentle organic cotton, and can be adjusted for a perfect fit, while the inner lining provides anti-bacterial properties to stop the spread of viruses and prevent the build-up of bacteria.When soaked, the material retains moisture, resulting in a long-lasting cooling effect, making this the perfect face-cover- ing for summer.

リバーシブルで2色を配置した水に濡らすと冷んやり涼しい「UPF50+」と「 UVカット98%」のスカーフ。両サイドにある穴を通すことで、結ばなくても解けにくく様々なアレンジもできます。首以外にもヘッドアクセや手首に巻いてご使用いただけます。
This reversible, two-tone scarf retains moisture when soaked, providing a pleasant cooling effect, and has been proven to block 98% of UV rays, giving it a sun protection rating of UPF50+.Convenient loopholes keep the scarf in place without having to be tied, and allow you to experiment with different styles.This versatile piece can also be used as a head band or wrist-cover.

%( PERCENT )で 使用しているカシミヤの原料は、良質な産地で知られる中国内モンゴル自治区の中でも特に優れた品質の産地「 巴盟(バメイ)」のカシミヤを使用しています。 徹底した品質検査を行い、良質で安定した風合いを保つため国 内で染色と紡績を行った後 、編み上げています。
The cashmere in %(PERCENT) products is made using raw materials form the Bamei region of Inner Mongolia, renowned worldwide for the quality of its produce. After being thoroughly inspected, these materials are spun and dyed in Japan, combining their innate quality with world-class expertise and uncompromising standards to make our luxury yarn. Finally, we knit this into the products onto which we are proud to attach our name.

伸縮性を持たせた「クロシェハット」は、サイズ調節をせずに頭に優しくフィットしてくれます。 軽くて通気性のいい使い心地と、長めのツバがUV対策にも役立ちます。
A “crochet hat” with elasticity fits your head gently without having to adjust the size. It is lightweight and breathable, and the long brim helps protect against UV rays.
The texture is soft to the touch and doesn't get stuffy, so it can be worn over the sleeves of clothes as a "wrist cufflinks" regardless of the season. During the short-sleeved season, use it directly on your bare skin as an accent to your outfit, like a bangle.
A collar that changes the look of a simple outfit without being too girly.It's soft to the touch and breathable, so it's a fashion item that can be enjoyed as an accessory regardless of the season.